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Observation on Registration email

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:06 pm
by MBH
I noticed that someone had to be 'handled manually' (and they seemed to enjoy it) :roll: but when I got the registration confirmation email I noticed that the 'link' stretched onto the first word of the next sentence (making it an invalid link and getting a 'no such key' type message).

May be totally off base, but was this the cause of the 'assistance' that was needed? Obviously I chopped off the offending bit and dropped the true link into the address bar, but that's just showing off ;)

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:32 pm
by LAT
There's always someone who turns out to be a smart Alec isn't there? ;)

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:34 am
by MBH
You use a line like that on a forum like this? :o


Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:06 pm
by Tiddlerpuss
Glad I didn't need to be manhandled - hubby might have objected :P

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:04 pm
by strep98
I enjoyed being manhandled and at my age I don't get many offers.

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:53 pm
by Bunnylump
:lol: I know what you mean!!

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:36 pm
by MBH


I've already offered to teach you to dance :)

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:22 pm
by strep98
I would like to take up the dance options (I can dance, but OH has three left feet), why does the bunny get all the fun. Is it cos she's President???

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:34 pm
by MBH

Can't remember where it came up, but she claimed she couldn't dance. The challenge has been on the cards since then.

There's always been more ladies then gents, so I'd be glad to give you a turn around the dance floor - what's your favorite style?

Give my best to Jake, and tell him I haven't seen him on the TV for years - has he still got that Aussie accent? ;)

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:47 pm
by Looby
:lol: :lol:
Took a couple of minutes for the penny to drop :roll:

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:09 pm
by strep98
I can do most of the old tyme, modern sequence or a little bit of latin. Mum and Dad taught Modern and grandparents taught old tyme.

BTW Jake has changed his name and is very anti-social these days.

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:14 pm
by MBH
strep98 wrote:I can do most of the old tyme, modern sequence or a little bit of latin.

How the heck have we not 'spoken' before :?: :(

I could talk to you about a tango at the witching hour, or what sounds like a gypsy fortune teller doing a rumba, and you'd be one of the few people to pick up the references - it could almost be put together as a 'puzzle' *thinks!!!*

You haven't been to a 'meet' have you? Where can we all get together where I can get the Bunny out on the floor [Hang on - that didn't come out right] and you can remind me how many dances I can still remember from 15 years ago.

I'm sure some of the other ladies can dance if they're encouraged. :)

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:28 pm
by Bunnylump
"Get the bunny on the floor!" :shock:

Frankly, you'd be more likely to do that than to get me to dance!!! (And, let's face it, that's not going to happen either. At my age I'd probably break a hip - or more probably break one of yours)! :lol: :lol:

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:43 pm
by strep98
I last managed to get on a dance floor in June and my eighteen year old and I did a barn dance and the gay gordons. I was trying to get him some dancing experience before going off to uni. I must just content myself with OH's dad whisking me off for a quickstep when we can.

No I haven't been to a meet yet.

I did tell my OH that I would take up dancing again and find a partner, I learn't a few new anglo saxon words at that suggestion. So I have to just watch strictly and dream of being camilla.

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:35 am
by dcfanjo
I used to dance when I was younger (medalist and competition level) - ballroom, latin and disco - gave it up when I was working towards my O-levels as it was taking up too much of my time. Loved it though and surprisingly still remember quite a bit.

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:47 am
by gill216
For those who like to dance but don't have a partner try linedance- no partner needed! I taught linedance for around 6 years and gave up when the knees had had enough.Its not the yee-hah most people imagine. Lots of waltz's tango's cha cha's rumbas etc. (even disco) and anyone who has a dance background will pick it up really quickly. Find a beginner class and you'll meet a load of friendly people who will be more than happy to help you along. For anyone who has never danced its great. Dancing where someone tells you where to put your feet. My husband couldn't dance to save his life but he
can teach it now.

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:55 pm
by MBH
I know what you mean Gill, but we've gone that route on a few occasions and my wife [Accent=CorseNewYork] Cyant Styand It [/Accent] :roll: For 'sequence dancers' we do pick it up dead quick (while many around are still struggling), and although they do seem to get a bit more advanced they don't tax the brain.

My dad did ballroom but wouldn't do sequence because he didn't want someone else telling him what steps to do :lol: So I learned all the sequence ones dancing with my mam (and most other females in the club).

strep98 - it took a bit of research to 'find' you, and I realise I do know you a bit better than I thought - but you don't tend to talk 'dancing' with a girl who seems to havea fish-tail instead of legs :lol:

I've probably said it elsewhere, but I was never a dancer's dancer - no solo competitions, etc. What I could do was keep a sequence of steps in my head and move in the right direction (while at the same time speaking the opposite steps for a partner - which my wife still doesn't know how I can do). Since there were so few male dancers I was 'persuaded' into the Old Time Formation Dance team, and we did lift the British Championship a couple of times at Blackpool. Even got onto one of he 'Come Dancing' episodes, but we were up against a Latin team, and the 'flash' always wins over the better footwork and style :evil:

There should be photographic evidence somewhere, but I've got no idea where.

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:35 pm
by Scurra
I know I asked people not to discuss puzzles in this forum - but watching a thread veering off into ballroom dancing is disconcerting to say the least :lol: (although I shouldn't perhaps be surprised...)

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:52 pm
by MBH
Are you the one that started manually handling the ladies? Well :P to you :twisted:

I've always thought there's a link between dancing (pattern recognition and execution) and puzzling. It's looking like this is true especially for the girls :)

Re: Observation on Registration email

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:43 pm
by Laura
I disagree entirely!

I can recognise patterns. I can remember patterns.

What I cannot do is make those patterns happen, when they involve me co-ordinating different parts of my body! :oops: