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Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:55 am
by clvrlad
your insulted by
clvrlad wrote:must resist.....
and heres me being good...... :mrgreen:

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:15 am
by gill216
I've just spent 2 hours looking for the train tickets I put in a safe place. :roll:

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:49 pm
by clvrlad
oops ;-) my tickets are in my in box ;-)

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:29 pm
by gill216
I found the tickets- where else but in my PB folder!

It gets worse- I have what I'd describe as "very sore ankle" after a 5 mile walk at the weekend.- which for the past 2 years at least I've put down to getting older, duff knees already from the dancing etc. and it hasn't stopped me doing anything- it just hurts every now and again.

Ever tried telling the doc you aren't going for an xray until after 9th August? Theory being I've walked on what may well turn out to be an old break for at least 2 years and if it does turn out to be a broken bone then another 3 weeks wont matter. He looked at me like I'd lost my marbles. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:39 pm
by Bunnylump
It's ok Gill. We'll just get a double sedan chair. That lot will just have to do some weight training before they meet us... :mrgreen:

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:11 pm
by LAT
Well, it’s only about a week to go until the meet so I thought it was about time to give an update on the plans.

I would like to suggest we meet at the Museum of London at about 11.00 on Saturday 7th August in the hope of actually starting to look round about 11.30, once we are all there and have said our hellos. After looking round I am hoping we can eat our lunch there (as there is space available I believe) and then head out on a walk around part of the city. The walk will visit various small gardens but also take in few other interesting spots. There will be things to look out for plus possibly a game of some sort to play (Scurra is being very mysterious about this, and I gather it may actually not work out). Of course if the weather is gorgeous we may decide to set off on the walk a bit earlier and stop in one of the gardens for our lunch instead. After this, when we are all walked out, or totally lost and fed up, :roll: the plan is to head off to a nearby pub for rest and refreshment. Depending on the weather and how long we linger along the way, I imagine we would be in the pub by 5.30 in the evening. Possibly rather later if the weather and gardens are lovely.

If the weather is awful then we may decide to abandon the walk and possibly go to visit the Museum of Childhood instead but hopefully if there is any rain it will be light enough to allow us to wander the streets without too much discomfort.

Those coming from out of London for the day may want to look into the cost of getting a travelcard with their train ticket as often the extra cost is less than two tube/bus journeys which you will presumably need to get from your terminus to the museum and back again at the end of the day, even if we don’t do any further travel.

If anyone would like my mobile number for contact on the day please PM me as I’d rather not give it out on the forum!! And in any case could everyone please either PM me or post a message here to confirm you have read this and also make sure you have let Gill know any preferences for your lunch so we know for sure who is intending to join us on the day. And if anyone else is now thinking they would like to come along, now is the time to speak up.

Any questions please ask.

Looking forward to seeing/meeting everyone. :D

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:16 pm
by Bunnylump
Message read and understood. There is a very slight possiblity that I won't be able to come (difficult personal circumstances) but I will do my very best. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone! :D

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:18 am
by MBH
Read this - sounds like some good options in place.

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:36 pm
by Redfraggle
The museum of childhood? WOW!!! If they have any books about childhood songs and games - please write me down the titles! :P

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:32 pm
by Wulfruna
Sounds really good! One of the things I loved when we lived in London was just to wander around streets in the centre and discover those wonderful little squares and gardens - real little oases of peace and quiet in the midst of all the noise and bustle. And little surprises too in terms of spotting blue plaques commemorating famous people.....

One thought was that the Museum of Childhood might be a good option for Sunday morning, for those still around for that(?) It is open every day.

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:42 am
by clvrlad
Wulfruna wrote:One of the things I loved when we lived in London was just to wander around streets in the centre and discover those wonderful little squares and gardens - real little oases of peace and quiet in the midst of all the noise and bustle. And little surprises too in terms of spotting blue plaques commemorating famous people.....
strangely enough wheni was wandering around london last time i was down thats nearly enough what i was doing...

mind i was wandering round a specific square mile :mrgreen:

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:23 pm
by paulman
Thanks for the details -- I look forward to seeing you all there. Here's hoping for good weather! :D

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:56 pm
by Vladikavkaz
completely unrelated, but the Great British Beer Festival is running from the 3rd to the 7th August at Earls court...

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:15 pm
by Redfraggle
Vlad that sounds great! I could do with a few! :lol:

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:44 pm
by gill216
Last chance on the picnic options- otherwise you get as given..

I've added cheese/cheese and tomato as an option on filling.

I'd really like to know preferences for wine. Red white or a soft drink. I need to know how many bottles of each I need to get (rephrase that - LAT to get) and dont want to get too many because they are heavy to haul around.

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:42 pm
by LAT
Wulfruna wrote:One thought was that the Museum of Childhood might be a good option for Sunday morning, for those still around for that(?) It is open every day.
I think it will be easier to stick with the plan to visit the British Library and possibly Regents Park on Sunday. There are various logistical reasons why somewhere more central is suitable and, if the weather is foul on Saturday (but hopefully it won't be), we might end up at the Museum of Childhood on Saturday afternoon. I would like to suggest meeting at 11.30 on Sunday in the main entrance to the Library. This allows a bit longer for those who are travelling in from out of town to get there with Sunday services often being less frequent than the rest of the week. I believe we have at least one person joining us on Saturday who can't come along on Sunday. Any more takers?

That should read - joining us on the Sunday who can't come on the Saturday. :roll:
(It's been a long week)

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:39 pm
by giraffe
Have a good time all of you, I'll be thinking of you.

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:09 pm
by LAT
Thanks! And we'll be thinking of you in sunny Portugal. Hope you're having a great holiday. I assume the flights all worked out OK after your earlier worries about checking in?

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:59 pm
by Scurra
Here's a heads-up for the Saturday morning.
The Museum of London is really, really easy to spot - pretty much however you arrive (Barbican tube is probably the best, or by bus) there is this massive brick wall that says "Museum of London" on it.
However, actually figuring out how to get inside is a puzzle in itself! The entrance is actually up top. If you look, you will see lots of bridges that cross the big roads heading into that middle section of the big roundabout.
You need to look around for one of the several entrances with steps (or, in one case, by the big glass One London Wall building) a lift.

I suspect that the best place to meet will be just inside the main entrance lobby. Although if it's really nice then outside would work.

Re: 2010 Puzzlebrains Meet ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:17 pm
by MBH
Scurra wrote:However, actually figuring out how to get inside is a puzzle in itself!
Hands up who is surprised by this fact? Hmmmm -- Nobody - well I never

:twisted: :lol: :twisted: