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Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:20 pm
by giraffe
Oh how dreadful. :( Have you still got the old kitchen, or are you cooking on a camping stove? :shock:

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:25 pm
by Guest
Don't get me on hospital parking charges I'll take off.
My latest is banks, My mum isn't too good now and needed a cheque book, so I rang on her behalf. I fully accept that they won't divulge any details, fair comment. BUT when I asked them to send her a book, NO, she had to ask for it herself. I don't understand why when I ask them to provide details only to their client at the address they have for her they won't do it.
It infuriates me

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:28 pm
by gill216
I suspect that you are like I used to be and didn't use a credit card thus missing out on the added protection? Once bitten twice shy- I buy everything over £50 on my credit card and pay it straight off now. £9.5k is a frightening amount of money to have lost.

Edit: This was meant as a reply to Eirian's post. Sue beat me to it.

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:33 pm
by MBH
That's terrible eirian :( Hopefully you are causing MFI no end of hassle about it and telling ANYONE who might be planning to use them. Do you have any contacts at the local radio? Could be a story for them in it ;)

Hope you get sorted without too much more stress - that's the last thing you need.

We need to get an extension on the back of our house (only 2 bedrooms and the bathroom is downstairs off the tiny kitchen). Apart from the potential inability to finance such a project (long story) my other fear is that it is a much bigger thing to be ripped off with or go wrong - as has happened with most smaller projects over the years.

I even had to take a local window firm to court about the damage he allowed to happen to our house - one of my finest moments was facing down his BARRISTER :o with calm logic and common sense. [He paid up eventually and got the work fixed - but the problem was still 'visible' which caused more problems on selling the house]

Anyone with a step-by-step plan on how to get a successful 2-story extension built - I'd love to hear from you... If you know names of individuals or companies in the North East then I'll be even happier :)

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:57 pm
by giraffe
MBH MFI went bust, so no-one can use them. That is why Eirian has lost her money. She'll be a long way down the list of creditors so no hope of getting anything back.

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:01 pm
by eirian
gill216 wrote:I suspect that you are like I used to be and didn't use a credit card thus missing out on the added protection? Once bitten twice shy- I buy everything over £50 on my credit card and pay it straight off now.
Yep, what's even more annoying is that if the mortgage had been through my bank, not OHs, the money would have been in my account and I'd've paid using my visa debit card, which was covered.
oh, and MBH, MFI have gone bust. Their administrators are having to pay their creditors in order of legal priority, and we come right at the bottom. Absolutely nothing we can do at all. Nowhere to complain to, no-one to reclaim from.

Will definitely be buying anything with a credit card in future. But a bit of after-the-horse-has-bolted though.

at least our existing kitchen is still in tact (which is why we can't even knock through from the extension so the room is easily accessible - the only place the gap could go is where our cooker is.... so the only way of accessing it is via the garden...)

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:20 pm
by Bunnylump
Oh Eirian that's absolutely awful. I'm so sorry to hear that. That puts my whinge about £21 a week for hospital parking into perspective, doesn't it?
And when you have a baby due (and presumably a cut in wages on the horizon) that's the last thing you need. What rotten luck. I wish I could suggest something to help, but I can't.

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:34 pm
by MBH
Sorry Pet - that one slipped past my radar :cry:

Keep your chin up, and look after each other.

After problems in the past, I don't even OWN a credit card, and knock back all the street-vendors that try to press one onto me :evil: Why should people who may not be able to afford things have more protection than people who can? Nobody can afford to lose money.

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:14 pm
by Laura
Well, Richard Branson or Bill Gates could probably cope. Does anyone know them? (We seem to be able to find solutions to all other problems on here!) Maybe they could pay for Eirian's kitchen??

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:18 pm
by Bunnylump
MBH wrote:
After problems in the past, I don't even OWN a credit card, and knock back all the street-vendors that try to press one onto me :evil: Why should people who may not be able to afford things have more protection than people who can? Nobody can afford to lose money.
MBH, the thing to remember is that if you pay by credit card then you have some redress against this kind of thing happening. You could do what we do - have credit cards but never spend more than we know we can pay off in total the next month. Then you don't get charged any money, but still have the convenience and level of protection.

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:07 pm
by Looby
We've always paid for things by credit card ever since Freddie Laker went bust when we had tickets to America booked with Laker - the credit card company accepted goods not up to standard (ie no flight available) and we got all our money back.
It's also something that we've taught the children!
Paying by credit card is not going to get you into debt if you pay the full balance every month.

But that's no help to you Eirian - I'm really sorry for you because it's so frustrating when things go wrong that are not your fault and you really couldn't have forseen.

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:16 pm
by LAT
That's awful Eirian, just what you don't need. I'm so sorry for you. As has already been said, wish I could think of something that would help

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:20 pm
by kathlyn
Get on local tv that usually get a results.

Hope you can sort something Eirian at the moment you don't need the stress.

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:58 am
by Guest
Not sure if this is really a whinge but I could use some advice
my uncle died november last year and I'm executor so have to sell his property etc. We've discovered a major hole in his garage roof caused by some trees on a neighbouring property. We know who is responsible and I've written to them, no response. I called round and left a note, no response, I'm about to write again. What would you suggest if I get (as I suspect) no response. Small claims, solicitor? any ideas appreciated.
I wouldn't care but in the past he was a well known Coventry football player, who shall remain nameless, he's already carried out a temporary repair some 6 yrs ago but never followed it through

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:00 am
by kathlyn
Next step solicitors letter.

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:42 pm
by giraffe
Found this, haven't tried any of it.
(Mainly american)
This is mainly for US numbers, but quite a few UK ones on there:
It's for how to avoid those presss button 3 if you want to be put through to the wrong department phone thingys

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:05 am
by dcfanjo
Very useful if you have to call your bank or mobile phone company - thanks.

My whinge today is...... I don't think my postman (or should I say post person :? ) can tell the difference between 142 and 143 as I got all of next doors post yesterday as well as my own!

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:07 am
by maisie ladybird
We live next door to my husbands parents, so we both share the same surname and the houses are 157 and 157a - the postman gets very confused sometimes!

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:40 pm
by strep98
My whinge Student finance England. spent 3 hours trying to get onthe site yesterday finally got on at 9.00pm to be told my account was locked. Rang the number today
and was put in the queue, then disconnected, tried phoning again and told the number was unobtainable (for an hour), finally rang it again and held in a queue for 15 minutes. Got new password, logged in and it tells me my son's date of birth is wrong, You would think I would know that, I was there :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: The whinge thread

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:26 pm
by Bunnylump

Did you know, (re student finance) that when you re-apply, they just re use all the information which you submitted last time round? Unless you happen to know that if your financial situation has changed by more than 15% (mine has, the WRONG way :evil: ) you can send them a separate letter, with your new details, and they will reassess your case. They don't publicise this very well. :evil: Not that I expect to get much help again. As per usual. :roll:

Oh yes, and this is even better. Although students who applied when my son did (last year) have their entitlements assessed based on a household income of up to £60 000 pa, anyone who applied before (like my daughter) has to be assessed on a family income of up to £30 000. HOW THE **** IS THAT FAIR???

AND They don't take into account if you are subsidising aged parents / if you are self-employed and your income can abruptly stop ( :x ) OR if you have more than one child at university at once.

Don't worry, I could do without eating for a few months. :roll:

>>rant over<<