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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:19 pm
by strep98
Bunnylump wrote:Thank you. It's lovely to have some reflected glory. :D Fortunately my offspring are a damned sight more focussed than their mother!! :lol: SEE I did them a huge favour by being a useless layabout, didn't I? Children will always rebel against their parents... :mrgreen:

Well done little bunny. I must have done my lad the same favour as he is so intelligent, pity I can't get him into puzzles :)

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:25 pm
by BassBloke
MBH wrote: Got 3-part puzzle for you - Oh member of the PuzzleBrains community:

1) What is about 93 million miles away and hot?
2) What does excess heat do to meat - including the human body?
3) Who's a silly boy then???
Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. I know these.

1) Camels
2) Fray Bentos
3) SpongeBob

There. I got them all right. That's 87%. At Least.

Thanks for all the advice etc regarding sunburn remedies but I have been using some stuff Sarah gave me and I can't rate it highly enough. It's Alcare Aloe Gel. Aparently it's Aloe Ferox, and is harvested in the wild in an eco friendly way. It does pong a bit before it dries (or maybe that's just me??). But, 3 days in, and ALL the blisters are gone and no sign of any peeling. Yet. I would highly reccommend this stuff to anyone who err "miscalculates".

Cheers. BB.

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:19 pm
by LAT
Glad to hear you are on the mend BB. Hope you're drinking plenty of fluids too.

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:37 pm
by kathlyn
Glad to hear your improving BB. Aloe vera is the other remedy for all sorts of skin problems. Try the gel straight from the plant - no additives.

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:02 pm
by MBH
... using my computer bus as a polling station - and people show up with too much regularity to get any serious puzzling done :(

Worse for the Presiding Officer with me - he's been here since 6am, at least me and my assistant split the day (I took over at 2pm but will need to put the bus away after we close at 10).

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:01 pm
by Bunnylump
Have you had very many people in? Our polling station was deserted today. I had to nag my daughter to go and vote - she wasn't going to because she said "I just don't know who to vote for, they're all as rubbish as each other." I'm inclined to agree with her, but, as I pointed out, using your might just keep some obnoxious party OUT of power. I was appalled to see we have a couple of them standing in our patch. :evil: (Hoping that wasn't too much of a political comment for you Scurra).

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:18 pm
by giraffe
I made the mistake of asking the bloke behind the counter to explain how the proportional representation worked, and he had to get a booklet out, then made a complete pigs ear of trying to interpret the diagram in there. Seems they use the Duckworth-Lewis method! :roll:

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:23 pm
by LAT
Thank you Giraffe!

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:27 pm
by chazzie
giraffe wrote:I made the mistake of asking the bloke behind the counter to explain how the proportional representation worked, and he had to get a booklet out, then made a complete pigs ear of trying to interpret the diagram in there. Seems they use the Duckworth-Lewis method! :roll:
Hands up - all those now googling 'Duckworth-Lewis' - which appears at first glance to relate to cricket :roll:

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:30 pm
by Scurra
Bunnylump wrote: I was appalled to see we have a couple of them standing in our patch. (Hoping that wasn't too much of a political comment for you Scurra).
You didn't say which ones you found obnoxious, so that's fine by me :lol:

But I feel quite strongly that you should always vote. Then you have the right to moan about how rubbish they all are. But if you can't be bothered to vote, then you deserve what you get.

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:44 pm
by BassBloke
For once I completely and utterly agree with Scurra.

Voting is one of your most important rights. If you think the whole political thing is complete mess then at least spoil your paper or return a blank one. Coz at the end of the day voting is the only properly democratic way you can have your say. I really do wish the returns would include spoiled papers. I would just love to know how many people express themselves in this way.

Me and Sarah had a bit of a minor row tonight, coz she didn't go.

Of is that too political for this place???

Soz if it is. BB.

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:53 pm
by giraffe
I agree. You must vote, even if you spoil your paper. For a woman not to is even more of a disgrace, since 100 years ago we didn't have the choice. Rant over.

(Duckworth Lewis is the totally incomprehensible method by which they calculate the score needed in a one day cricket match if it rains. The first side to bat have used all their overs, but there clearly isn't time after the rain for the other side to have as many. It is adjusted by mysterious factors to allow for the fact that they can take more risks as they don't have to last as long. Even the experts don't profess to understand it and the captains carry a little bit of paper with a chart on it to keep track of what is happening)

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:56 pm
by Bunnylump
No, I've already been there a few posts up, BassBloke. I agree entirely, which bizarrely, appears to mean that I agree wih Scurra. Which is a bit of a worry. :lol:

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:19 pm
by Scurra
Bunnylump wrote:I agree entirely, which bizarrely, appears to mean that I agree wih Scurra.
Quoted for the record, just in case Mrs Boingybott thinks better of it :lol:

Incidentally, I'm away for the weekend - and it appears that Gill may be busy as well. Which means there will be no moderators watching you. Hmmmm. That's a bit worrying. Still, how much trouble can you lot get into...? (Don't answer that.)

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:23 pm
by LAT
Scurra wrote:[ Still, how much trouble can you lot get into...?
Is that a challenge? :twisted:

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:25 pm
by MBH

I'm home safe - all over from my point of view (other people can count them).

I also would like a box for "None of the above" - I know, it was done in Brewster's Millions, but many a true word said in jest.

Regarding the Duckworth-Lewis method - there was one of the Radio 4 comedy sketch shows that had a different 'activity' each week described via this set of rules, and I laughed every time.... the loudest was probably the one about making love using this method :lol: :lol:

(Can't remember the show now :( but I'm betting Scurra remembers it - we seem to have similar comedy tastes :) )

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:35 pm
by Scurra
MBH wrote:(Can't remember the show now :( but I'm betting Scurra remembers it - we seem to have similar comedy tastes :) )
Well, I think it was Look Away Now (the show fronted by Gary Richardson.)

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:03 am
by Bunnylump
Incidentally, I'm away for the weekend - and it appears that Gill may be busy as well. Which means there will be no moderators watching you. Hmmmm. That's a bit worrying. Still, how much trouble can you lot get into...? (Don't answer that.)
Wey hey!!
When the cats away... :twisted:

We can have SUCH fun folks. Right, ideas??

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:06 am
by clvrlad
oh dear ....

have you warned the server people you need to double your capacity this weekend?

Re: Today I've mostly bin...

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:02 pm
by maisie ladybird
giraffe wrote:I agree. You must vote, even if you spoil your paper. For a woman not to is even more of a disgrace, since 100 years ago we didn't have the choice. Rant over.
I completely agree giraffe
LAT wrote:
Scurra wrote:[ Still, how much trouble can you lot get into...?
Is that a challenge? :twisted:
That's how I interpreted it LAT! :lol: