New words

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New words

#1 Post by Wulfruna » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:17 pm

I think we had a thread like this before, but can't find it now....
The BBC has been asking for contributions of "new" words which ought to appear in the next OED: This was a list that came up in relation to new technology - I have called it "Geek-speak" :lol:
Plugthug: someone who'd kill for access to recharging facilities.
Game-shame: The feeling of embarrassment when you realise what you thought was about half an hour of game play was actually about five hours, especially when you have inadvertently missed an event to which, under normal circumstances, you would have assigned a higher priority.
Spamnesia: failing to reply to e-mails from friends, because your computer thinks they're spam.
Meanderthal: someone who tries to drive or walk while using a mobile phone.
Sheeple: people who have to go out and buy the latest gadget (usually one whose name starts with an "i") just because they believe that everyone else is getting one, and they can't bear the thought of being left out.
Memail: e-mail I send to myself to remind me to do things.
Nerd-nest: the tangle of cables behind your TV or desk.
Faceless: what happens when you get either vindictive or drunk and post on Facebook, someone finds it offensive and your account is suspended.
Dot con: the process of making money from the internet.
Intermet: When having a friendly conversation by e-mail with a new acquaintance, finish the e-mail with "nice to have intermet you." A smiley emoticon is optional.

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