Today I've mostly bin...

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6321 Post by gill216 » Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:50 am

I'm hoping to be home again on Saturday sometime. At least I decided to drive rather than get the train so that I can leave when I'm done. Which was a really really good decision otherwise I'd have had 2 lots of tickets to replace. Thats really got up my nose. I can't believe that there isn't an alternative way to get tickets if the card has gone missing. Maybe if it had been a there and then situation but not with 4 days notice! If I ever book online again then I'll be straight down to the station to get them.
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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6322 Post by LAT » Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:54 am

gill216 wrote:Perhaps I've found myself a new trade :lol: I can go around decorating peoples houses for bed and board!
That sounds like a plan to me :D

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6323 Post by MBH » Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:57 am

Oh dear :( Everyone is having a hard time (in in Strep's case for no sensible reason that couldn't be sorted out by common sense) :evil:

Although all of my ongoing problems are still going strong (and building), I've actually had a GOOD Saturday. A sunny walk around Bolam lake in totally still air that was so peaceful, then behind the bar tonight while a caberet night was on with two acts - the female singer was OK {slightly generous there, but she got up to entertain so I'll not knock her too much} and the two guys were very good, played their own guitars (to backing tapes) and had a good bit of banter - I've been dancing around behind the bar all night :D
eirian wrote:... so now comes the sorting and photoshopping myself back into the group photos I should have been in!
For the record I just loved that ^^^ throw-away line. :lol: Clever so-and-so. ;)

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6324 Post by Bunnylump » Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:05 am

:lol: I thought that, too. I would no more be able to do that than fly to the moon.

Sounds like you've had a good day, MBH. :D I can just visualise you dancing around behind the bar. :D

I spoke to K this evening. She had been really worrying about yesterday at school. The head teacher had suddenly landed on her THE NIGHT BEFORE that as the trumpet teacher was away, please would she teach all the 7 and 8 year olds who play trumpet to play THE LAST POST in the playground at 11am. She was fretting because
a She doesn't play the trumpet
b some of them had only started learning a month ago. :shock: :shock:

Anyway, apparently she / they managed it really well. K said the head "had tears in his eyes". I wasn't quite sure how to take that... :lol: :lol:
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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6325 Post by giraffe » Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:08 pm

Gosh you all sound like you've been in the wars and had a terrible time while I've been in London enjoying myself! I hope things start to pick up for you all soon.

We go to a charity ball every November entertaining OH's clients and raising funds for the industry's benevolent fund. As it was 11/11/2011 it had a Best of British theme this year. As usual it was a really good evening, they always have the cast from a London show come in and do some songs, this year it was Dreamboats and Petticoats, not one I'm familiar with, but they also had a military marching band come in, who were very entertaining and managed to do a bit of marching up and down the dance floor, quite trick as they almost filled the floor when standing still! We were at a table on the edge of the dancefloor and in some danger from the trombones. A good time was had by all. Yesterday we went to see Billy Elliot in the afternoon, which was absolutely fabulous and I would recommend it. (Contains strong language) Then last night we went out for dinner with some friends and after marching up and down several streets eventually manage to locate the little Italian restaurant we have been to a couple of times before. And to top off a lovely weekend the hotel had upgraded our room to a suite!

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6326 Post by LAT » Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:18 pm

Sounds a wonderful weekend! :D Glad it all went so well and you enjoyed it.

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6327 Post by Wulfruna » Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:06 pm

strep98 wrote: I can't complete until I get a provisional driving licence or passport.
I have repeatedly complained to banks and other institutions that insist on having photo ID such as passport or driving licence. I don't drive, but do happen to have a passport -but every time I ask them what I would have to do if I was one of those many people who don't - would they accept my bus pass, I wonder, which is the only other thing with a photo and name. And if not, then why not? I have to say that this is one of the reasons that I quite strongly support the idea of a National Identity Card - it would solve all this silly hassle.
The other thing they always ask for is something with an address such as a bank statement or utility bill - which is no good if you bank online (no address on statements) and if the utility bill (or Council Tax bill) is not in your name (e.g. paid by a partner with a different name).
There is an officially approved "Citizen Card", but this is not necessarily recognised everywhere, I think, despite government policy to encourage its use.

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6328 Post by Bunnylump » Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:05 pm

Sounds like you had a great time, Giraffe. Lucky girl. :D
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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6329 Post by giraffe » Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:16 pm

Yes we did, and I came home to find F had washed the school uniforms and ironed them and done a huge mountain of other ironing, cooked dinner for them all yesterday and was washing up the pots and pans from lunch when we arrived home. What a superstar!

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6330 Post by Bunnylump » Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:29 pm

WOW. Impressive. :D My son didn't come home at all last night. He just materialised three hours ago looking dishevelled. :roll: It doesn't help much that he has a half grown moustache... :lol:

...oh, and the sole of his shoe had fallen off. Basically he looked (and smelled) like a tramp. He has had a shower, cleaned his teeth and has been lying in a big heap in a wet towel on his bed ever since.

Would you like to swap??
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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6331 Post by LAT » Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:30 pm

Wow! What a star! :D

PS that was to giraffe, not Bunnylump! :lol:

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6332 Post by MBH » Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:33 pm

Sounds like a lovely London weekend for our long necked friend :) Glad it all worked out for you and full marks to Fernando :D
Wulfruna wrote:I have to say that this is one of the reasons that I quite strongly support the idea of a National Identity Card - it would solve all this silly hassle.
I'd have no problem with a National Identity Card if it could also be used to authorize/control International Travel and record your Driving Status (including penalties). There's no reason why it shouldn't (with your permission) hold useful medical information for emergency situations and if you are an organ donor - but that's just the systems analyst in me talking, it's probably too sensible an idea to ever happen ;)

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6333 Post by Bunnylump » Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:41 pm

I've never understood why anyone would object to them. Surely, if you have nothing to hide then they shouldn't be a problem?* Of course, if you LOST one, then people would have access to an alarming amount of detail about you. :? Not that they couldn't find most of it out through other sources anyway, if they were determined enough... :roll:

* I feel pretty much the same about people who moan on about speed cameras. Surely if you don't speed, then they don't matter? And if you do speed, then it's a fair cop. :)
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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6334 Post by Scurra » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:10 pm

Can I ask that this diversion stops before it gets too political? There are lots of good reasons for having ID cards and there are lots of equally good reasons for not having them. Personally I think that the risks outweigh the benefits but a web forum is probably not the best place for having arguments like this...
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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6335 Post by Laura » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:22 pm

Today, and the last few days, I've mostly bin waiting. Lilsis's lil bump should have turned into a lil niece or nephew for me on Friday, but no signs of anything happening yet. The wait continues....

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6336 Post by LAT » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:24 pm

ooh! Exciting! Keep us posted. :D

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6337 Post by Bunnylump » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:27 pm

Sorry, Scurra. ;)

Yes, how exciting! :D Can't wait to find out which flavour she has!!
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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6338 Post by giraffe » Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:23 am

You could be waiting another couple of weeks.
Is this a sibling for bun?

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6339 Post by Laura » Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:27 am

Yes, and he was 10 days late!!!

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Re: Today I've mostly bin...

#6340 Post by strep98 » Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:13 pm

Hope there is news soon Laura

And sorry Scurra I seemed to have started that debate with my rant. I may have been easier if I was an illegal alien, then I would be entitled to loads of benefits and have all the false documentation I would ever require :x
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